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Term 4 Curriculum

Science and Technology


Students will investigate the properties of materials.

They will investigate the way things move by floating or sinking.

They will collaboratively select appropriate materials to design and create a boat, to support an animal from ‘Who Sank the Boat?’.

They will test their ‘boats’ in water.

They will also evaluate their designs.

The children will bring from home items to assist them with their boat creations.


Students will recognise familiar places on a map and represent them and their location on a map.


The students will communicate clearly their ideas, feelings and thoughts about God.

They will Identify connections between some Old Testament stories (David & Goliath; Joseph’s Coat of Many Colours) and their personal experience.

They will also identify connections through the infancy stories and Advent.


The students will continue with counting by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and from 20, moving from any starting point.

They will continue to revise number names from one to ten.

The students will understand and use the terms ‘first, 1st, second, 2nd' etc. to indicate ordinal position in a sequence.

They will use a range of strategies for adding small groups of numbers, such as visual displays and concrete materials.

They will investigate ‘volume and capacity’.


Students will continue to create short texts and will read and write high frequency words and attempt other familiar words.

When story writing they will concentrate on using capital letters, full stops, finger spaces correct spelling/phonetic spelling and re-reading to make sure their story makes sense.

The students will continue with sight words and home readers as well as daily classroom reading with comprehension and phonological awareness strategies.

 The students will continue learning to ask relevant questions and to express requests and opinions in ways that suit different contexts.


Students will explore various emotions and describe what they look/feel/sound like, in various situations.



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